with there being few clusters in dt indy i cant just go out and hack hoping for the best and walking from one cluster to the next will take up way to much time so i have to plan out my walk with as little backtracking as possible and the best possible time/hack ratio...
If i park at the area known as UP there are 10 portals there in a straight line... ill continue on to the zoo entrance area which has 18 portals... going left first i will loop around and go back down UP but not wait at the end... i then travel back down UP not hacking and repeat the loop around the zoo 2.5 times... this means i will burn out 12 of the portals and end up on the north side of the zoo and begin to hack the wapahani trail... not including portals in close proximity (no back tracking without hacking) there are 19 portals this includes the cluster of 7 at the ncaa building... so im not standing around waiting on the cluster cool down i will walk over the canal bridge and hack the 4 portals there and return to the cluster where i may have to put heat sinks... i will then continue back to the wapahani bridge and wait the 5 min at the end of it... however there are portals behind the zoo along a trail and i will go as far as i can to hack some of them (up to 2.5 minutes away) so that once i return i will continue walking down the wapahani heading back to the ncaa cluster... this will allow me to hack the wapahani bridge (11 portals) 3 times... after hacking the ncaa i will continue towards the canal bridge but only hack 3 of the 4 portals past the bridge due to one of them being out of the way in regards to heading north towards the indy museum... the indy museum is a square with 34 portals in pretty close proximity... i hope to have at least 34 common multi-hacks so that i can make 8 laps around the indy museum.... once i have made the 8 laps i will return the way i came... so i will hack the 3 portals near the canal head towards the ncaa hacking the 8 and then burn out the wapahani bridge and head south along the back side of the zoo entrance portals burning the 6 portals left... i then head down UP back to my car hacking as i go.... once i get back to my car UP will be able to be hacked a 4th time so while driving to leave the area i will burn out UP...
UP/zoo/wapahani/indy museum - 40 + 72 + 77 + 136 (272 with multi-hacks) = 325 (461)
once i am on the road i will hack random portals as im driving towards the circle...
there at 15 portals on the circle and walking around the inner part of it takes a little under 4 min... so i will throw a common heatsink on all and hopefully a rare multi-hack giving me 12 laps...
circle - 60 (180)
from there i go home to charge my phone before returning to repeat the process...
to be safe lets say i get 500 hacks per visit... which means ill have to visit 20 times within the week which is almost 3 times a day
IM PRETTY SURE THIS WONT WORK BUT IM KINDA EXCITED TO GIVE IT A TRY (even though i know this is gonna suck and prob during the first day ill end up hating myself; i dont like to burn out portals its too boring)...